with Tatyana Gurvich, Pharm.D. BCGP

Tatyana Gurvich, Pharm.D., BCGP is an expert in geriatric pharmacotherapy. Over the span on a 29 -year career she has fostered interprofessional collaboration between physicians and pharmacists and continues to develop a teaching model to integrate pharmacy and medical education. She has developed geriatric pharmacology curricula for pharmacy students and residents, developed multiple clinical practice sites for all levels of pharmacy education.
In 2007 she helped develop a clinical geriatrics primary care practice at UCI Medical Center, department of Geriatrics. Over the last 13 this practice has flourished into a model setting for training clinical pharmacists. During this time, she has precepted over APPE 250 students from USC as well as IPPE students doing their geriatrics elective IPPE. She has trained pharmacy residents rotating through this site. Those residencies include general hospital practice as well as managed care residencies. Since 2019, she has had a permanent ambulatory care resident from USC at this site. Starting in July of 2020, this site will include a community pharmacy resident interested in geriatrics. This site will serve as clinical ambulatory care experience for this resident.
She has also developed medical school and post graduate medical education curricula. She has taught in post graduate primary care residency programs and contributed to medical school pharmacology curricula. She received a PharmD from the USC School of Pharmacy and a B.S. in biology from USC. She completed a geriatric pharmacology residency at USC at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center.
Training will cover how to:
• Address issues in the 2016 opioid guidelines.
• Integrate Beers Criteria into the management of chronic pain in the older adults.
• Assess the nuances of prescribing pain medication to older patients.
• Identify pain medication to avoid in older patients.
AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM (CEU eligibility closed May 2021)
Financial Disclosure: All planners and presenters for this activity have nothing to disclose.
For issues with the site link please contact Lenord Chen at Yu-Hao.Chen@med.usc.edu