Panoramic view of elderly lady on wheelchair holding hands with supporting volunteer standing behind her
Panoramic view of elderly lady on wheelchair holding hands with supporting volunteer standing behind her
Panoramic view of elderly lady on wheelchair holding hands with supporting volunteer standing behind her


The USC GWEP developed forms and practices to support the 4 M framework and integrate into the EHR so that outcomes are clearly communicated to primary care providers with suggested care plans for Annual Wellness Visits (AWV). Workflows that clearly identify key tasks are identified and have been modified to fit the specific needs of each clinical site. Pertinent positive outcomes of AWV are drafted into summary notes for providers to review.

Key Learning: Electronic Health Record optimization is critical to support physician documentation and accurate data retrieval.


The Geropharmacy Clinic was created to integrate pharmacy reconciliation services for older adult patients at Keck Family Medicine. In this clinic, providers refer patients with complex pharmacological needs to the resident pharmacists where patients then receive a one-to-one medication consultation service. Providers are provided information and only when authorized do pharmacists implement changes directly with patients, fostering trust and collaboration with referring providers.

Key Learning: Straight forward communication between pharmacists and referring provider is necessary to support implementation of recommendations. Development of dot phrases greatly facilitated this effort.

Geriatric patients are all medically complex with multiple co-morbidities which require nuanced pharmacotherapy. Drug selection and dosing have to carefully considered to avoid polypharmacy, adverse reactions and unnecessary medication cascades. A geriatric clinical pharmacy review can help produce a more rational medication list, reduce the use of high risk medications and provide more patient-centered care as a result.
Tatyana Gurvich, Pharm. D., BCGP
Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Mann USC School of Pharmacy